Education Resources for On-Line Learning

Feel free to explore these interesting and educational sites to learn more about Mining, Industry and Science. This is the Center for Land Use Interpretation. Founded in 1994, the CLIU is “dedicated to the increase and diffusion of knowledge about how the nation’s lands are apportioned, utilized, and perceived.” Use the Search feature and type in “mining” to see a variety of topics about mines and mining. One of the best parts of this website is the “News” section, which contains current information on a variety of topics relating to geology. This website is a starting point for any science-related research. Simply type in what you’re looking for and proceed to learn all about your subject. A product of the Hudson Institute of Mineralogy, this extremely important website is a database for rocks, minerals, and meteorites. The data includes locations and almost every conceivable bit of information about each specimen, together with wonderful photographs. This site is essential for any research into this subject. Based in Englewood, Colorado, the Minerals Education Coalition has a great website with information about their K-12 education materials, minerals, and mining. The site also has selected items that can be purchased on-line via their store. This is a wonderful site to view photographs of mining both in the United States (primarily) and worldwide. The site is organized by state, country, and mining topic. Enjoy! Ever have questions about barrel chlorination? Amalgamation? If you do, this is the place to start your research. Guy Starbuck backpacks around the southwestern United States and takes numerous photographs of his travels. Mixed in with his treks are quite a number of mining sites—mills, arrastras, mines—that he photographed. How did they get that heavy stuff up into inaccessible canyons and plateaus? This website provides a guide for socially responsible mining in developing countries. Mining responsibly can fuel economic growth, provide jobs and resources, and ensure that the environment is not negatively impacted. This guide provides an introduction into socially responsible mining, how to implement these practices, what the future of mining will look like, and some helpful resources on the topic.

Information and Activities about: Minerals, Geology, Mining and Material Science
National Science Foundation / Education
General Science Education (K-12) Resources
Colorado Dept. of Education
Bill Nye the Science Guy – Home demo

Library of Congress—understanding how to teach using Primary Sources:
National Archives—Guide to finding Primary Sources
National Archives—Document (Primary Source) Analysis guide with worksheets
Understanding the difference between Primary and Secondary Sources when studying History George W. Bush Library—downloadable PDF:

Library of Congress has an immense collection of digitized pieces on their website:
Smithsonian Digital Collection and Online-Learning Site:
National Museum of American History Behring Center (Smithsonian Institute)—“History Explorer.” Includes: Lessons and Activities, Museum Artifacts (Primary Source Collections), additional links and teacher resources:
The Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation (Smithsonian Institute):
Compare the Market: "Reducing Water Consumption: 23 Eco-Friendly Tips in (and outside) the Home:
Smithsonian Educational Guides (spreadsheet) with hyper-links to activities:
Primary Sources with Lesson Plans (focus on American West): PBS New Perspectives on “The West:”

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